Wednesday, December 2, 2009

dec. prayer letter

The Reason for the Season:
As Christmas fast approaches, I am reminded of the incarnation of Christ, how He came to us, to bless us. Now He sends all of us out to bless others with His good news. My prayer for you is that He would grant you a gracious heart this season, to bless those around you with the gift of encouragement. We are doing our best to do just that as we continue to live out our three rhythms.

Intentionally Social:
This fall as I’ve been trying get to know more folks in town, I've begun regularly gathering with different guys at a local pub. Through this regular time together significant relationships are being formed. In the same manner, social times at cohousing (where we live) have spurred on great friendships and many probing spiritual conversations. My prayer is that during this festive season, God will open relational doors and conversations that point to Him and His advent.
Spiritual Focus:
In our Monday night Bible, we continue to grow numerically, and in our connection with one another. The group grows bigger while getting relationally tighter. The Friday men's lunch is now studying its second Biblical book. My hope is that this group will continue to be a place of encouragement and comradery. Our partnership with Mosaic church is taking a new step, as they launch their 2nd gathering in January. This will help them alleviate their space issues and provide a "greenhouse" for the church plant's leadership. In all these things we are praying for God’s kingdom to come a fresh in Happy Valley and Bellingham.

Blessing the Hood:
One of the pillars of Happy Valley is the elementary school. I've begun volunteering in their resource room. My hope is that I can bless them, and that God will open new doors for future service. We continue to help serve a young woman in the hood with Cancer. Her condition is not getting better; please pray for her. In the New Year I am hoping to gather neighbors to conduct a survey to determine the assets/gifts possessed by folks in the neighborhood. This will allow us all to help serve the community in tangible ways that they will also take ownership of.
please pray with us for…

• God would be glorified in Bellingham
• God would call folks to join us in simply participating
in the different groups we have started & hope to start
• God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans, as well a few families who would commit, for a season, to be a part of our launch team
• God to open doors, relationally, as we involve ourselves in activities in the neighborhood, allowing our lives to overlap w/ others

Thursday, October 1, 2009

october prayer

Same Rhythms New Season:
I cannot believe that a year ago Kate, Montana, and I moved to WA to begin the work of discerning the call to start a new church. At the end of this first year, we can confidently say that this calling has been confirmed. We strongly believe that God has called us to the task of creating an authentic faith community in Bellingham, focused on living socially, growing spiritually in Christ, and serving our neighborhood.

Socially, I am encouraged by the relationships that have already deepened as a result of our activity in the neighborhood. The Tuesday running club I have been attending has resulted in several spiritual conversations. In the same way, we continue to have more and more conversations with our immediate neighbors at Cohousing. The newest addition to our “social rhythm” is my part-time employment at the Fire House Cafe in Fairhaven. It is one of the best neighborhood “hubs” on the south side of Bellingham, and I am excited to see who God puts before us as I begin networking in this great spot (I have already met more folks than I could have guessed). In all these settings, and others, we are praying that God would deepen the trust we’ve developed w/ folks, so we can put in a good word for Him as we go.

Our Monday Bible study continues to grow, with 10 people having been through “the doors,” 7 of which are regulars at this point. This week I have started 2 new men’s groups (meeting Wednesday evenings and Friday lunches). Kate and I also hope to start a couple monthly groups: one that will focus on serving our neighborhood in practical ways, and a Film & Food group). Our partnership w/ Mosaic in Bellingham continues, and we pray that God will lay it on folks’ hearts from there, and from all these groups, to join us in forming our launch team.

We continue to serve our neighbor w/ Cancer, doing simple household tasks, as she continues her treatments. I am hoping this fall to partner directly w/ the neighborhood association in serving our neighbors through the group mentioned above. My prayer is that the new church would be known around the neighborhood as one that cares and serve, by putting it’s faith into action.

please pray with us for…
-God would be glorified in Bellingham
-God would call folks to join us in simply participating in the different groups we have started & hope to start
-God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans, as well a few families who would commit, for a season, to be a part of our launch team
-God to open doors, relationally, as we involve ourselves in activities in the neighborhood, allowing our lives to overlap w/ others

Monday, July 27, 2009

prayer letter - 8.09

Living the Rhythms in Summer:
It has been a warm summer so far! I’m surprised how hot I am as I write these words. I love seeing how all the gardens of veggies and flowers in my neighborhood have grown. As we continue to live out our life rhythms (living socially, living spiritually, living in service) in our neighborhood, it is encouraging to how relationships have begun to grow, as well. Thank you for your prayers and support for us and the ministry God has called us to do.

Because of the beautiful weather, people are outside. We’ve had spontaneous conversations as a result, many of which have been of a spiritual nature. I have been encouraged to meet new friends at coffee shops; one such friend accepted my invitation to come to our weekly Bible study. This caused me to pursue applying for a part time job at different coffee shops in the neighborhood, not for financial reasons but for the opportunity to easily meet lots of folks.

Our weekly Bible study is going great. Tonight will be our 5th time meeting together, with 5 regular attendees. Last week we had 7 folks come, and I only expect that we will continue to grow in number as we grow in our faith together. This summer I am trying to lay the relational foundations of the two new small groups. The first one I hope will meet once or so a month, for those from out of town or who cannot commit to more. It will have a focus on prayer and fellowship. The second group I am daydreaming about is a weekly men’s morning group. My prayer is that these groups will begin by the end of summer/beginning of Fall. If any or all of these are of interest to you let me know.

Kate and I continue to volunteer, serving a young woman with Crohns and Cancer. Today, she is undergoing her latest round of chemotherapy. Also, I am exploring doing some “community organizing” work in the Fall. This work would allow me to bless my neighborhood, helping them with what they desire, while getting to know and building relationships with more neighbors.

please pray with us for…

• God would call folks to join us in simply participating
in the different groups we hope to start
• God would bless us w/with good relationships as we start and continue small groups
• God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans
• God to open doors, relationally, as we involve ourselves in activities in the neighborhood, allowing our lives to overlap w/ others

prayer letter - 6.09

Rhythms of Life and Rhythms of Church:
Since moving to Bellingham, I have been drawn toward certain lifestyle rhythms. My hope is to grow socially, spiritually, and in service with others. My hope is that these will also be the rhythms of life the new church will grow towards as well. Check out my blog for regular updates on how we’re living out these rhythms. Thank you for your support of us and the beginnings of this ministry.

May was a cool month. It was our first full month in Bellingham. Socially, I was encouraged by a few different Cohousing neighbors when they separately shared that they like having us around and what we bring to the community. Also, I was able to meet a lot of other folks in the neighborhood, when I knocked on some doors and gave away 2-cent stamps (because of the postal increase). It was a simple way to meet people. In June, I hope to continue going to the running club, start a regular movie night in our home, and maybe have a Wii bowling tournament at Cohousing. These are easy ways to get to know folks.

Spiritually, I was encouraged by a few different things in May. First, I discovered a few folks who desire to be a part of a Bible read through group. I hope this weekly group will get started in June. Secondly, I am encouraged by a group of folks who came to our home to pray and daydream about church. This advisory group will hopefully meet every 6-weeks or so to think and pray about the vision of the church. And finally, I felt honored to be invited to a non-Christian “study” group by a neighbor. They discuss spirituality in a very broad sense, and I pray I can be a tactful voice of truth there.

In May, Kate and I started to volunteer w/ the CHORE program in town. Every week we do household chores for a young woman who has Crohns and Cancer. Her family is unable to help her, and she doesn’t have many people around her. These weekly visits will continue. In June, I am hoping to partner with Mosaic in knocking out some major projects that would bless her and her home.

please pray with us for…

• God to gather folks to join us in leadership and in
simply participating in the different groups we hope
to start
• God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans
• God to open doors, relationally, as we involve ourselves in activities in the neighborhood, allowing our lives to overlap w/ others

prayer letter - 5.09

April Recap:
The major highlight of the month was moving from Lynden to Bellingham. We felt so blessed by those who helped us load and unload our truck. We were welcomed warmly by our new neighbors at Bellingham Cohousing. They helped us unload, brought food, and have welcomed us with warm introductions. We’ve already participated in some Cohousing activities, including meals, a little yard work, and helping a neighbor babysit. We hope that our involvement in these regular activities will help us get to know our neighbors. I also attended my first neighborhood association meeting. It was great to hear some of the general concerns of the area. I’m expecting to get involved with this group as we begin to think about how we can serve Happy Valley. Much of the month was spent figuring out where things like our silverware will go in our new place, settling into our home. Our desire is that the Lord will use our home to bless others, as we hang out, study, and serve.

May Forecast:
As May begins, my priorities revolve around gathering folks together. We are hoping to solidify who will join us in leadership in these initial days of the plant. I am praying for leaders in the areas of finance /administration, community development/ outreach, worship /prayer, and families. Another priority will be to develop relationship in the neighborhood through running and book clubs, and neighborhood events. The 3rd priority is to perhaps start a small group of some kind (Bible study, prayer group, movie club, or something else). These small groups may be the primary way we’ll begin to “do” church together. Finally, the last priority this month is to discover how we will physically serve our neighbors (whether it is through volunteering, or beginning something new), and to start going. Please let me know how you would like to get involved.

please pray with us for…

• God would rise leaders w/ a shared vision of loving God as we love our neighborhood, including a “person of peace” (Lk 10:1-7)
• God would gather folks to join us in small group-type activities
• God would bless us as we get to know our new neighbors

• God would give us a heart for, and eyes to see the needs in our new neighborhood
• God would help us find those places in the neighborhood, where our lives can overlap with those in the community
• God would open doors, relationally, as we begin involving ourselves in activities in the neighborhood this month (book and running clubs, neighborhood meals, and cohousing events)

prayer letter - 4.09

Happy Valley it is!
A lot has happened in the last month. We officially made the decision to focus our church planting efforts in the Happy Valley neighborhood of Bellingham. The Lord gave us - and those we are discerning with - a great peace about this area. Very soon after deciding on Happy Valley, an apartment for rent was brought to our attention. It is in the Bellingham Cohousing, an intentional community right in Happy Valley. Cohousing’s philosophy of living matches our lifestyle desires and values. It seemed like a great fit, so we signed the lease in the middle of March, and will move mid-April. Although we will were sad to leave Lynden, we are very excited about our new neighborhood, the opportunities to serve and minister, and our new home. The Lord seemed to open the door wide to this area, and we are ready to walk in faith into this new part of the journey. The discernment of location is over, so now we will focus on gathering folks.

April Forecast:
The first task this month will be to pack up and move to our new home. Settling into Cohousing will be an exciting adjustment. They do many things together, such as optional weekly meals, neighborhood projects, socials, etc. We’re stoked, and want to dive in. In April I hope to meet those in the greater neighborhood, participating in what is already happening as we get a sense for our new home and neighbors. This plays into our focus on relationships, discovering who will join us as we begin ministry in Happy Valley. We’ll be partnering primarily w/ Mosaic Church in Bellingham, while we get our bearings. That being said, we hope to remain connected w/ our supported churches throughout the county. We have reached an important milestone, and feel greatly blessed by everyone those who have supported us. Thank you for your continued blessing to us.

please pray with us for…

• God would keep us connected w/ our support base
• God would rise partners w/ a shared vision of loving God as we love our neighborhood, including a “person of peace” (Lk 10:1-7)
• God would bless us as we get to know our new neighbors

• God would bless us w/ an smooth transition into Bellingham
• God would give us a heart for, and eyes to see the needs in our new neighborhood
• God would help us find those places in the neighborhood, where our lives can overlap with those in the community
• God would give us creativity as we discern how we can serve our new neighborhood

prayer letter - 3.09

Feb. Recap:
Our poor car is not used to daily commutes, but that’s what it did in February as we had lots of on-site prayer in Bellingham neighborhoods and meetings w/ leaders in Bellingham. The neighborhood that kept coming up in these conversations and prayers was Happy Valley (found between Fairhaven and I-5). It’s a diverse “hood” w/ college students to seniors, and varying economic situations. Unlike the other “hoods” looked at, I found myself day dreaming about life and ministry there. These daydreams include thinking about what local clubs we could join, places we where could live and easily serve our literal neighbors, and daydreams on how we could reach the neighborhood through service & relationships. With this narrowing down, our focus has become to pray for God to raise up folks to serve w/ us for a season in launching the church. We have faith that He will show us who He is raising up.

March Forecast:
In March we hope that God will confirm the call to the Happy Valley neighborhood, and that He will bring folks to us who will join us for a season in starting the church. My hope is to start strategizing how we can grow in the Lord together, while we discern the best way to serve the neighborhood. Part of this strategy is to begin looking for a place to live in the neighborhood, a place where we can host our neighbors and ministry events. Before the move happens, we hope to engage Bellingham as much as possible while still living in Lynden. That means joining clubs and developing deeper relationships w/ our partnerships in Bellingham, including Mosaic and others. We also hope to have a couple prayer times this month, in both Bellingham and Lynden, that will focus on community and Kingdom growth in the County. Stayed tuned to times, places, and an invitation to join us.

please pray with us for…

• God would connect us w/ our support base, and Bellingham leaders
• God would rise leaders of prayer/ hospitality, administration/finances, community development/outreach, and children/youth, who will serve w/ us in launching the church plant, including a “person of peace” (Lk 10:1-7)
• God would give us a heart for, and eyes to see our neighborhood

• God would confirm the Happy Valley neighborhood as our place of focus
• God would open the door for a place to live in the neighborhood, that’s conducive to ministry
• God would help us find those places in the neighborhood, where our lives can overlap with those in the community

prayer letter - Feb. 2009

January Summary:
January started off as a weird month. After returning to WA from CO for Christmas, I turned around and returned again to CO to be with my family after my Grandma’s death. Although she was not young, her death made me think of the immediacy of ministry, that we are invited to sprint forward with the light of Christ. My deep desire is to see the hearts of those in darkness come into the light of Jesus. In practical terms, this means our first step is figuring out where and who God is calling us to in Bellingham. So, for the 2nd half of January we began our survey of Bellingham neighborhoods, covering Sehome, York, Lettered Street, South Hill, and Fairhaven. These first visits were soaked with prayer, neighborhoods demographics, and a keen eye for gathering points of residents. These and other neighborhoods in central and south Bellingham are the initial areas where we feel God is leading us. We pray He’ll continue to direct us.

February Forecast:
In the first part of February we hope to finish initially looking at the “hoods” of central and south Bellingham. After this we’ll spend more time in those neighborhoods that God is tugging at our hearts to revisit, hanging out in those community gathering points we observed (coffee shops, parks, etc.). I also am planning on beginning to meet with church, ministry, and community leaders in Bellingham to gain a local perspective in discerning. We hope to have another prayer gathering at the end of February or beginning of March. Our focus in all of these discernment times is to determine “people” and “place,” to listen to who God wants us to serve, who will serve with us, and which neighborhood could be best facilitate relationship building. Please let us know if this strikes a holy chord with you. We appreciate your continued prayers and support.

please pray with us for…

• God would allow us to connect with our support base of churches and individuals, and w/ Bellingham community and ministry leaders
• God would rise up a leadership team, passionate to advance God’s kingdom, including that local “person of peace” (Luke 10:1-7)
• God would give a heart for, and eyes to see our focus group, who are on the fringe of faith

• God would call us to serve a specific neighborhood in Bellingham
• God would open doors to get to know folks in the city
• God would help us find those places of community connections (running clubs, neighborhood associations, etc.), where our lives can overlap with those in the community

prayer letter: Jan. 2009

December Summary:
December was another month of discernment of where God is leading us to plant a church. One highlight of the month included my trip to Seattle to reap wisdom from fellow planters. Another highlight was organizing a great prayer gathering at Jerry and Julie’s home. It was awesome to gather to pray for one another, our churches, and the church plant. We’re planning on having another prayer gathering in February, so let me know and stayed tuned to the blog if you are interested. Kate, Montana, and I also went back to Colorado for Christmas with family. It was great to go, because we figure in the years to come I’ll be busy on that day. When we returned to WA our initial discernment was finished. Along with those close around us, we now feel that God is leading us to start the church in Bellingham. Please continue to pray for us as we explore this leading further.

January Forecast:
For the remainder of January, I plan to keep connecting with our network of supporting churches and individuals. My primary task will be to begin discerning where in the city we should focus our efforts, and who in the city we feel called to both partner with and serve. I hope to spend much time in Bellingham coffee shops, parks, and other places getting to know the different neighborhoods and their residents. I also hope to sit down with Bellingham ministry leaders to discern with them on how we can creatively reach the city for Christ. I invite you to pray with us this month for continued Kingdom growth in Whatcom County. If prayer and community is our foundation, let’s do it together! My prayer for you is from Ephesians, that God would “give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”

Please Pray:
1. God would call us to serve a specific neighborhood in Bellingham
-God would open doors to get to know folks in the city
-God would rise up a “person of peace” (Luke 10:1-7), who would be a local ally

2. God would rise up a leadership team, passionate to advance God’s kingdom
-God would call folks to join our efforts, for the beginning season
-God would raise those to fill various roles

3. God would help us discern how we can serve the city
-God would give a heart for, and eyes to see those on the fringe of faith
-God would show us the best church model that would facilitate growth and service

prayer letter - dec. 2008

November Summary:
This was our first full month of discernment. It was great to be able to connect with many in our network of support, through serving, worshipping, and hanging out. Many of them helped as I conducted on-site prayer and research in Lynden, Everson/Nooksack, Ferndale, and Bellingham. My conversations with residents, law enforcement, church members, and students have been helpful in understanding the personalities of each community. I have been reminded repeatedly of the importance of committing this process to God. The task of starting a new church and reaching those on the fringe of faith is a large one, but we serve a great God who is with us. Thanks for your partnership in this ministry. Your daily prayers on our behalf are coveted; and please let us know how we can pray for you!

December Forecast:
For December, I intend to continue to connect with our network of support, through hanging out, worship, and service. I hope to begin networking with CRC church planters in Seattle by attending their cluster meeting, and network with a Bellingham church planting network. In the spirit of Proverbs 15:22, I’d like to invite you to join us in dedicating a few days in the third week of December to intentional prayer and fasting for the ministry. I am planning on creating a group soon for this purpose, so let me know if you would like to “join up.” We are planning to return to Colorado for Christmas, where, along with visiting, I hope to use the time away to pray purposely in discernment. My prayer is that we will have a firm idea of where God, and who God is calling us to serve by January 1. At that point we will begin planning.

Please Pray:
1. God would call us to serve a specific neighborhood by Jan. 1
-Presently, we’re leaning toward Bellingham, but we are still discerning
-And, that God would rise up a “person of peace” (Luke 10:1-7) in the neighborhood, who would be a local ally

2. God would rise up a leadership team, passionate to advance God’s kingdom
-Specifically, that God would raise those to fill the roles of Administration/Finances, Children/Youth ministry, Community Development/Evangelism, Communications/ Marketing, and Administration/Secretary.

3. God would help us discern an appropriate church model planting
-Specifically, whether a house church model focused on the 4 elements seen in Acts 2:42 is best, and if not that what model would serve our setting

prayer letter - nov. 2008

Aaron Walters – November 2008 Prayer Report

October Goals:
-1-To begin networking with our support base of churches and individuals in Whatcom County
-2-To pray for and investigate the potential communities and neighborhoods for the new church plant

October Summary:
My activities and time for the first half of the month was focused on two things: preparing for my classical examination (which I passed by God’s grace), and setting our home up for life. After classis I set out to accomplish my two goals (stated above). I believe I got a good start at beginning my task of networking, by participating in the following events: the weekly Lynden pastors breakfasts, council meetings at Bethel CRC and 1st CRC, Whatcom County Cluster meeting, and Classis PNW and BCSE, as well meeting with local youth pastors, local pastors, and potential team members. I was able to attend and/or preach in worship services at Bethel CRC, Mountain View CRC, 3rd CRC, and the Reformation Day service at Sonlight CRC. In addition to these activities, I was able to address my second goal by conducting initial/general demographic studies of Birch Bay, Blaine, Everson/Nooksack, Fairhaven, Ferndale, Geneva, Lynden, and Sudden Valley, as well as conducting on-site data collecting/prayer/observations in each of these neighborhoods/communities. My task was to get a general “feel” and first look at these sites.

November Forecast:
For November, I intend to retain the same goals as October. Although my second goal will focus primarily on learning what the physical and ministry needs are of these sites. I hope to accomplish this through more specific demographic study, on site conversations with pastors, leaders, and residents. At this juncture, I am planning attending the Lynden CRC’s administrator meeting, council meetings at Bethel CRC and Hope in Christ, preaching at 3rd CRC, and my installation service on November 23rd.

Prayer Requests:
-God’s wisdom and protection over our lives as we discern the future
-God would call us to serve a specific neighborhood by Christmas
-God would rise up a leadership team w/ the passion to advance God’s kingdom
-God would use established churches and this church plant to make disciples in Whatcom County

I am blessed by your support at this time, and pray God’s grace for you and your church’s ministry. Thanks you for your partnership.

Monday, June 15, 2009

prayer for that week of 6.15.09

As I think you know we're focusing on 3 things in the plant: social stuff, spiritual stuff, and service stuff.

So for prayer in the social side pray:
-that God would gather folks together for a regular movie night in the late summer/early fall
-that God would bless our Wii bowling tournament in our housing complex
-that God would bless all our times w/ authentic relationships

In the spiritual side, pray:
-that God would speak to us in our new Bible study, that He would bring more people into it, and God would give us greater humility as we look into His word together
-that God would gather folks together for regular times of intentional prayer for our city, neighborhood, and neighbors, hopefully starting regularly in the fall
-God would give us wisdom as we think about building more small groups, and eventually gather them all together for communal worship

In the service side, pray:
-that God would heal the girl, Katcee, we volunteer for. She’s 26 years old, and has cancer, and is in the hospital again, considering chemo.
-that we could be God’s hands and voice to Kaycee
-that God would open a door for us to serve in the elementary school in our neighborhood (tutoring, etc.)
-that God would open a door for me to get funding from Americorp to do the work of community organizing in the hood, which would create many inroads w/ folks for the Kingdom

For other stuff you can pray:
-that God would gather folks to join us in leadership, specifically that God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans
-that God would give us wisdom as we potentially pursue a bi-vocational approach to ministry, and starting a business (climbing gym/community center)
-that God would protect our marriage, health, family relationship from forces seen and unseen
-that we could connect w/ our families as we are on vacation this month

Thanks for your prayer for us. Let us know how we can pray for you too.


Monday, June 1, 2009

week of 6.1

pray w/ us for...

-our first Bible study tonight. we have a plan of working through the gospel of john, sharing our observations and questions. we are going to find our way as a group.
-a strong partner from the hood to join us. there are lonely days, and it would be sweet to have someone w/ us who is sold out w/ us to the cause.
-k8 and i are getting away this coming weekend. pray that we'll have a great time of connection, and that montana will be good for the sitters.

Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

prayers for the beginning of april

please pray:

-for a smooth move and transition into our new home and neighborhood in Bellingham
-for group of folks to join us as we worm our way into a new church
-for a clear vision of ministry that is rooted in God's desires for Happy Valley and Bellingham
-for open eyes to see the needs in Happy Valley, and creative means to address them

Thursday, March 26, 2009

prayer guide for 3.09

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him” (1 John 5:14-15). The Apostle John tells us that we can approach God with certainty in our prayers. We are invited to seek His will for us and our communities, and to pray together that His will would be done. The early church functioned in community, through prayer, study, and fellowship (Acts 2:42), as they lived out their faith in the world. We too are invited to live out our faith together, as we pray for Kingdom growth. This prayer guide is intended to foster and deepen our communal faith and mission together.
Both prayer and fasting are sacrificial disciplines that draw us closer to the heart God. In these acts we deny our own ambitions and submit ourselves to the will of our heavenly Father. The Heidelberg Catechism rightly says that Christians are to pray “Because prayer is the most important part of the thankfulness God requires of us, and also because God gives His grace and Holy Spirit only to those who pray continually and groan inwardly, asking God for these gifts and thanking him for them” (Q & A 116). This echoes the Apostle Paul’s invitation to “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Prayer and fasting are two spiritual disciplines that are powerful when practiced together (Judges 20:26, Ezra 8:23, Acts 13:3). Dallas Willard states, “Through [fasting], we learn by experience that God’s word to us is a life substance, that it is not food (“bread”) alone that gives us life, but also the words that proceed from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4)… Fasting unto the Lord is therefore feasting – feasting on Him and on doing His will.” There are numerous ways to fast, but the essence of the practice is a significant, intentional refraining from food and possibly drink, for a set amount of time. Daniel, for example, refrained from eating anything but vegetables and drinking only water (Daniel 1:12), while Jesus, in Matthew 4:2, appears to refrain from all food.

You are invited to pray intentionally for Kingdom growth in Whatcom County, and the partnership between existing churches and church plants, for 3 days during the week of March 22 to March 28. In accepting the invitation to pray for this endeavor, you are also invited to fast at whatever level is appropriate for you and your health (a meal a day, the entire 3 days, 1 day, commit to only eating certain things, or not at all. Whatever you see fit). Feel free to contact Aaron Walters for further help (contact information below). During these 3 days you are welcome to use this prayer guide, or portions of it. There are 4 sections corresponding to the prayer of Christ seen in John 17. You are encouraged to pray from each section every day. You are also invited to pray with others when possible, as there is power in communal prayer (Matthew 18:20).
We’re offering 2 options. Both are 3-days of intentional prayer, culminating with a time of communal prayer. For those around Bellingham, you’re invited to pray and fast with us from Thursday, March 26th to Saturday, March 28th, culminating with an evening of group prayer on Saturday, March 28. The gathering will begin at 7:00pm; please contact Aaron Walters to RSVP, or with questions. You of course are invited to participate in both, and prayer throughout the entire week. At both gatherings, we will plan on praying together for Kingdom growth, established churches, and the church plant; refreshments will be served afterwards, where those who are fasting are welcome to cease their fast.
May God bless us as we seek Him together and as we partner together in seeking to follow His command of Kingdom building (Matthew 28:19-20).

Prayer Guide:
Section 1: Prayers of Praise
*Prayer of Praise #1
-Meditate on John 17:1-5, with a focus on the work of the Father

-Prayer: God, in our prayers to You we follow the example of Christ and call You Father. We profess that You are our Father in heaven. Father, we ask that You would kindle in us a childlike awe and trust that You, through Christ, became our Father, for You do not refuse us the things of this life, and will not refuse to give us what we ask in faith. Father, we give You praise and glory for You are the one true God, who physically sent His only Son to give us eternal life and a true knowledge of You. We praise You for establishing Your plan of salvation before the world began. Thank You for sending us Your Son.

-Meditate on the attributes of the Father seen in these words from the Nicene Creed:
We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

-Pray through these attributes your own words, giving praise and glory to the Father

*Prayer of Praise #2
-Meditate again on John 17:1-5, but now with a focus on the work of Christ

-Prayer: Jesus, You are our gracious and sovereign authority; You are the giver of life; You are the revealer of truth; You were glorified before the beginning of the world, and sent from the Father. We praise You for completing Your work on the cross, so that we may feast with You in eternity. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to guide us and counsel us.

-Meditate on the attributes of Jesus seen in these words from the Nicene Creed:
[We believe] in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, begotten from the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven; he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made human. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried. The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will never end.

-Pray through these attributes your own words, giving praise and glory to Christ

*Prayer of Praise #3
-Meditate on John 16:5-15, with a focus on the work of Spirit

-Prayer: Holy Spirit, You are our counselor; You help us in our pursuit of holiness and righteousness; You are the Spirit of truth and our guide; You are sent from the Son and reveal to us the knowledge of Him. For these things we give You praise. As we are sent, help us to be faithful to Your mission in the world.

-Meditate on the attributes of Spirit and His provision to the Church – both in the past, today, and in the days to come - seen in these words from the Nicene Creed:
And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life. He proceeds from the Father and the Son, and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified. He spoke through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and to life in the world to come.

-Pray through these attributes in your own words, giving praise and glory to Spirit and the unity of our one, triune God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Section 2: Prayers for Existing Believers, Ministries and Churches
*Prayer for the Church #1
-Meditate on John 17:6-10, with a focus on God providence and blessings to us

-Prayer: Father, thank You for the revelation of Christ, for our security in You. Help us to grow deeper in the words of Christ. We pray for Your greater Church. We pray for unity among believers, unity with You and unity in our common mission. May we give You greater glory as You build us up in Your word. Thank You for Your constant blessing upon our lives.

-Pray for your own church and those God is raising to aid in the church plant

*Prayer for the Church #2
-Meditate on John 17:11-16, with a focus on our need to be protected by God and unified with Him

-Prayer: Father, protect Your Church, unify it together with You and Your mission. Protect Your Church from divisions. Grant Your Church the full measure of the joy of being unified in You and with each other. Help Your Church to be faithful to Your word and mission. Protect Your Church from the schemes of evil one, and give it confidence to live out Your mission for it.

-Pray for the God’s protection over you, your family and friends, your own church, and over the work of the church plant, and those God is raising to minister in the church plant

-Pray for unity within your own family and friends, unity in your own church, unity among area churches, and unity with those involved in the church plant

*Prayer for the Church #3
-Meditate on John 17:17-19, with a focus on our need to be sanctified, to be made holy, by God, especially as we live out His mission on earth

-Prayer: Father, through Your Spirit, convict us of our sin so we may grow in our holiness and unity with You. Speak to us through Your holy scriptures, and reveal Yourself to us. Counsel us and guide us, Holy Spirit. Father, may we be a faithful and holy witness of You in the world. Thank You for the justifying work of Your Son, and the sanctifying work of Your Spirit in our lives.

-Pray for yourself, your church, and the church plant as we pursue holiness together. Pray that we could be refined into a greater likeness of God, and that we would display this likeness as we serve God and others.

Section 3: Prayers for Those on the Fringe of Faith
*Prayer for Those on the Fringe of Faith #1
-Reflect on this meditation, adapted from Ignatius of Loyola.
1. Consider the state of the world. Consider the people of the world, the variety of customs and people groups, some healthy and others ill, some just born and others dying. Consider how they converse, some praising and others blaspheming, some encouraging and others insulting. Consider their actions, some killing and stealing innocence, some at peace and others at war, some weeping and others laughing. They all are depraved, all unable to help themselves, and all in need of a savior.
2. Now consider God’s view of humanity, in its blindness and depravity. Consider God’s love for humanity, His desire for them to be made righteous and able to sit with Him in fellowship. Consider how the Father, motivated by love, sent the Son with the mission of bestowing eternal life through His sacrifice on the cross, so that humanity could be cleansed and made righteous.
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your sovereign work over all of Your creation. Thank You for Your work of salvation in our lives and in the world. Help us to pass on the good news of Your Son to this lost world. May we be salt and light, faithful carriers of Your message of redemption, and gracious to others as we tell them of our faith in You.

-Pray that God would continue to reveal His nature and mission to you, your church, and those involved in the church plant. Ask that God would open your eyes anew to the needs of your neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and those you serve, and that He would reveal to you how you can serve them in His name, and speak His truth in love.

*Prayer for Those on the Fringe of Faith #2
-Meditate on John 17:20 – 26, with a focus on our role in God’s mission of redeeming the world, and our unity with Him.

-Prayer: Father, we pray for opportunities where we can put in a good word for You to those who do not know You. Give us Your words. Prepare us for these opportunities, so we may be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in You. Prepare the hearts of those whom You will bring into Your family through us, but by Your message. Reveal Yourself to them and to us. May we all be united with You, God.

-Pray for the work of outreach in your own life, the ministries of your church, and missionaries, both domestic and international.

Section 4: Concluding Prayer
-Prayer: Father, we have made all these requests of You because You are our all-powerful king, able to give us all that is good. To You we give worship and praise. In the words of Psalm 115:1, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” All glory and praise be unto Your name, God. It is in the powerful and saving name of Your son, Jesus Christ, that we pray to You Father. Amen.

-Heidelberg Catechism (
-Nicene Creed (
-The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
-Dallas Willard. The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives. New York: Harper Collins, 1988.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

prayer for sat. 3.7

we were told about a housing option in happy valley at bellingham cohousing. we are checking it out this sat. please pray that if this is where God is leading us that we would feel a great peace about it and it would feel right to them.

Monday, March 2, 2009

week of march 2

prayer requests for the week:

1 - place
a - that God would confirm the Happy Valley neighborhood (through other folks, our confidence, insights, etc) to us as we discern where He wants us to move and minister
b - that we would find a "person of peace" in our new neighborhood, that welcoming local ally
c - that God would lead us to an affordable apartment where we could serve Him the best

2 - people
a - that the folks God is raising to join our launch team would reveal themselves to us
b - that we would easily connect w/ Bellingham communities (clubs, churches, etc.)
c - that we would find "our people" and develop solid relationships w/ them even while we are still living in Lynden

thanks for you support and prayers. contact me w/ your own requests too!

Monday, February 16, 2009

incarnational strategy

As we think through which neighborhood God is calling us to plant the church, we know we want to focus on that specific neighborhood. This means that as we discern where, we are also discerning how we can reach that neighborhood and do life w/ our neighbors. And so we are asking a strategy question of God. "How do can we best serve the place You are calling us to?" Below are a few ways we could do it, that we are praying through, and I am asking you to pray through as well. Which one of these, or combination of these, strategies would best facilitate our outreach and life with the neighborhood? Or which strategy is missing? In all of these and other ideas, you should know that our primary calling is to build a new church that is worshiping, evangelizing, "fellowshipping", and praying. These ideas are a means to that end.

#1 - Open a community gathering space of some kind. This could be a coffee shop, another business, or something else, where we can gather w/ and meet our neighbors in a "non-churchy" setting, while having a place to meet for our "churchy things." This would be a place that focuses on addressing the needs and desires of the neighborhood, with a "place-centered focus."

#2 - Focus on the work of community development that is coupled w/ the regular work of the church. This would mean perhaps getting a small income from government, etc. grants to improve the neighborhood, while building up the church.

#3 - A blend of "secular" work and traditional ministry. This option would find me working part time in a secular workplace in a common place where our neighbors gather, w/ the intention of meeting people and developing relationships. We would live in the neighborhood, work in the neighborhood, and worship in the neighborhood.

#4 - Something else.

These are the options we are praying through this week, and probably more. Please join us in these petitions.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

requests for 2.10.09 - 2.13.09

This week I am spending more time in a few neighborhoods in Bellingham. Today was Sehome, Wed. is York, and Thurs. is Downtown. Please pray that God would bring people into my path so I can gain some insight into the given neighborhood. Also continue to pray for that local ally (person of Peace) to find their way to us.
Thanks and blessings,