Wednesday, February 10, 2010

feb. prayer letter

Naming Rhythms:
As God seems to be gathering more and more people around us, I have continued to think about the vision for the new church. I love the thought of living out simple rhythms together, rhythms that define who we are in Christ, and who He is making us to be. I keep returning to the idea of being social, spiritual, and service-minded, but am searching for identifiers that capture the heart of the church more fully. Lately, I’ve been resonating with the words “hospitality”, “discipleship”, and “blessing” to capture those rhythms that God has laid on our hearts.

Living the rhythm of hospitality means creating space in our lives and schedules for relationships to deepen. This is why I continue to work part time at the Firehouse CafĂ©. Yesterday, I shared the vision of the church with an interested customer, reconnected with friends I hadn’t seen, and talked theology with a regular. This is why we hosted a “Super Party” (a Super Bowl party minus football) for those not into the game. This is why we invite new and old friends to share a meal or hang out. Hospitality is rhythm of getting to know folks so you can conversations rooted in trust.

The rhythm of discipleship is a communal effort to grow in our identity as children of God (Jn 1:12). This is why we gather together at our home on Mondays and for the Friday “Man Lunch”; both groups focus on learning about Christ by reading through the Word. This is why I mentor some guys at “The Fort” (a house of WWU men, committed to becoming men after God’s heart). This is why we are gathering folks around us (especially from the Mosaic) to journey with us, as we move toward our own worship time. Discipleship is a central rhythm for a community to grow together and in Christ.

Blessing others is an important rhythm in physically living out our collective faith. This is why we participate in Mosaic’s “Beautify” Sundays, where we as a church community focus on tangibly serving our neighbors in need. This is why I volunteer with the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association and at Happy Valley Elementary School, and why Kate and I volunteer at with the CHORE program (through the Whatcom Volunteer Center), only asking “How can we help?” God uses the rhythm of blessing to shalom to His people, and again builds a foundation of trust when putting in a good word for Jesus.

please pray with us for…
-God would be glorified in Bellingham
-God would gather His launch team for His new church
-God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans, as well a few families who would commit, for a season, to be a part of our launch team
-God to open doors for us to put in a good word for Jesus, in the relationships and activities we find ourselves in