Friday, November 26, 2010

11.10 prayer

There are new (or almost here) babies at The Table. With new life, hopes and dreams begin to be verbalized. At The Table, we have hopes for how we will live out our rhythms this next season.

Hospitality Hopes
We have hopes that The Table's quarterly parties will build from our Fall party, where friends, neighbors, and church members intermingled. We hope that our intentional social times with coworkers and neighbors will increase, and continue to provide opportunities for us to share our faith and life.

Discipleship Hopes
The Table is searching for a new venue for our worship gathering. We hope this new space will be a catalyst for greater connection with God and each other. Many of our friends are exploring their relationship with Christ. We hope God will continue to open doors for faith conversations.

Blessing Hopes
Once a month The Table leaves "the building" of the church, and serves the neighborhood. We hope we can increase our partnership with community organizations, similar to our upcoming tree planting project with the neighborhood association (our first try got snowed out). We pray God will keep providing us with opportunities to bless individual households in tangible ways, whether it’s helping to build healthy relationships or aiding with housing.

God has blessed us greatly as we continue to move forward with the dreams He’s given us of faithfully living out our rhythms. Thanks for your prayers and support of The Table, and thanks for dreaming with us!

please pray with us for God to…
…continue to lead us as we dream and move
…bless our leadership community with wisdom, unity, and fun
…grant our worshiping community growth and encouragement in Christ

Thursday, September 16, 2010

prayer letter 9.2010

With summer drawing to end, The Table is excited about the fall. After summer adventures and “staycations”, we are all ready for more regular rhythms. At The Table, we are thinking of how we can expand our existing rhythms this fall, as we seek to be the hands and words of Christ around us. Let us know if you would like to get involved with us this fall. These are exciting times; thank you for your prayers and support of The Table!

The leadership community of The Table decided that on “5-Sunday months” we will throw a party to meet and hangout with new friends. Be praying for our 1st party on Oct. 30th. This is one example of how we are seeking to “make room” in our lives for others. Our hope is that we will all intentionally live with extra margin in our schedules, so we can bless our families, friends, and neighbors with genuine relationship.

Jesus said, “While you go, make disciples…” (Mt. 28:19), so that’s what we are striving to do. This fall you can be praying for this rhythm at The Table as it gets played out in our worship gatherings (most Sundays at 5:30pm), our “Bible Monday” study/prayer group (Mondays at 6:30pm), our “Manlunch” Bible study (Fridays at 12:30pm), in a possible new Bible study, and via personal mentoring/discipleship. I anticipate God to bless us richly in these gatherings.

…and blessing
Are we “be-ers” or “do-ers”? My hope is that we are both, known for being children of the King AND ambassadors of His Kingdom. This means we are called to bless our neighbors in tangible ways. You can be praying for The Table this fall as we participate with Mosaic in our shared “Beautify” or service Sundays (Oct. 24 & Nov. 14). We hope to have projects on these Sundays that will either bless a neighbor of The Table or someone/group on the south side of Bellingham. Also, please be praying for members of The Table as we begin the work of community organization in the Happy Valley neighborhood, meeting and organizing neighbors around common desires.

please pray with us for God to…
…continue to bring the isolated into community
…bless our leadership community with wisdom, unity, and fun
…grant our worshiping community growth and encouragement in Christ

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

june 2010 prayer letter

Whenever summer comes around, I always hear the call of the road. Kate and I love a good road trip, getting out "into the wide open." After miles of empty road, more road side signs begin to appear, informing you that a new town is nearby. I feel like this is where we are at, with regard to the church plant.

We began our journey, and set out with the excitement of the openness before us. Moving to Lynden in the fall of 2008, we began to pray where God was leading us to move, live, and begin the ministry He called us to. We traveled around the various towns of Whatcom County and felt God nudging us to Bellingham, specifically to the south side.

In the summer of 2009, we moved from Lynden to Bellingham, and began getting to know our neighbors. Living at Bellingham Cohousing allowed us to almost instantaneously get to know our immediate neighbors. Working at the Firehouse Cafe allowed me to build friendships with many others who live on the south side. Volunteering at the local elementary school and Whatcom Volunteer Center, allowed us to bless others in the neighborhood.

The road signs began to increase. God allowed us to start two Bible studies, where He continues to bring previously isolated individuals into a community of prayer, study, encouragement and fun. God has blessed these groups with an authenticity and depth that is evidence of His love among us.

Now a year after moving to Bellingham, the unmistakable signs along the road make it apparent that God is bringing us even closer to something new. This past month has been an exciting one. Several of us gathered for the first time as a leadership community for the church plant. We ate, shared our stories, and prayed together. This group will be the group that navigates the first miles of the church. As a group we set the date for the church's first worship gathering, happening June 27th at 5:30pm. We hope to worship together every other week during the summer. We hope that this gathering will be a place for our friends and neighbors to experience the love of God in our community.

The road trip continues. God has blessed us with safety, encouragement, and provision thus far, moving us to the neighborhood He wants us to serve. We anxiously await what He will do among us, as He builds His Kingdom in Bellingham. Thanks for your prayers and support along the way, for God's glory.

Please pray with us for God to...
-continue to build His church, bring the isolated into community
-bless our leadership community with wisdom, unity, and fun
-give our family and our church family a good summer of connection and fun

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

may prayer letter

Encouraged and excited. These are the two words I'm finding myself use to describe the ministry this Spring. With the summer season knocking on our door, we are growing in our existing groups, while ramping up for new and exciting things.

Growth in Our Groups:
In our existing groups we are having to find more chairs for folks to sit in. It has been a great blessing to see how God is using these growing circles of chairs. Recently I wrote a note to someone in our Monday Bible study, telling them how much I appreciate them. They wrote back, saying, "If I am all you say I am, I assure you that it is due to the safe and tender container you have provided for all of us to be our best and most tender selves. The Christ in all of us just shines through every person there... Your group gives me the awareness of how tender-
hearted I (and probably most people) can be when we feel safe and loved. Thank you so much for that." I share this not to boast in myself, but to boast of what our God is doing among us, for His glory.

Exciting Opportunities:
Presently I am having many conversations with folks who we believe God may be calling to join our launch team for the new church. Presently we have four households represented on this group, as I continue conversations with others in the next couple weeks. Once this group is solidified, we'll begin praying for what God has for us, and begin planning. My hope is that this group will begin worshipping every other week, starting this summer. We are excited for what God will continue to do.

please pray with us for…
Our God is generous. Thank you for your support of God's
ministry here in Bellingham. Please pray for His generosity
to be poured out in these areas:
• Gathering a core team. I am still in the middle of asking various folks we know to commit to leadership in the church plant, and hope to have a starting team by Summer.
• Summer experiments. In addition to our existing small groups, this summer we may experiment with a rhythm of worshiping together every other week, and partying together and blessing the neighborhood on the off weeks.
• Strategic planning w/ Mosaic. We are creatively considering different partnership options with Mosaic church.

Friday, March 26, 2010

3.10 prayer letter

Our God is generous. I've been reflecting on His gracious provision lately. I am so grateful that He has blessed us so richly, and that we are able to see Christ move in our midst. Here’s some "praises" that we are celebrating in our different rhythms we practice.

We are praising God that our home has become a hub. Neighbors and friends are always dropping in to hang out. I attribute this directly to God allowing us to reveal His desire to meet folks where they're at, and pursue authenticity. We are praising God that my part time work at the coffee shop is bearing fruit. In the last little while God has allowed me to encourage various customers in heartache and stress.

We are praising God that both our Bible studies are growing. God has grown them numerically, relationally, in depth of knowledge of Christ. We are praising God that He has opened doors for us to directly share the good news of Jesus with searching folks who we know. It's cool.

We are praising God that the different groups we serve are being integrated in serving the Happy Valley neighborhood. We are praising God that I am now on the board of the neighborhood association. It will open relational doors that would otherwise be closed. We are praising God that my relationships at the neighborhood elementary school are deepening. God has allowed several significant spiritual conversations with teachers to occur.

please pray with us for…
Our God is generous. Thank you for your support of God's
ministry here in Bellingham. Please pray for His generosity
to be poured out in these areas:
1. Gathering a core team. I am in the middle of asking various folks we know to commit to leadership in the church plant, and hope to have a starting team by Summer.
2. Summer experiments. In addition to our existing small groups, this summer we may experiment with a rhythm of worshipping together every other week, and partying together and blessing the neighborhood on the off weeks.
3. Strategic planning w/ Mosaic. We are creatively considering different partnership options with Mosaic church.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

feb. prayer letter

Naming Rhythms:
As God seems to be gathering more and more people around us, I have continued to think about the vision for the new church. I love the thought of living out simple rhythms together, rhythms that define who we are in Christ, and who He is making us to be. I keep returning to the idea of being social, spiritual, and service-minded, but am searching for identifiers that capture the heart of the church more fully. Lately, I’ve been resonating with the words “hospitality”, “discipleship”, and “blessing” to capture those rhythms that God has laid on our hearts.

Living the rhythm of hospitality means creating space in our lives and schedules for relationships to deepen. This is why I continue to work part time at the Firehouse CafĂ©. Yesterday, I shared the vision of the church with an interested customer, reconnected with friends I hadn’t seen, and talked theology with a regular. This is why we hosted a “Super Party” (a Super Bowl party minus football) for those not into the game. This is why we invite new and old friends to share a meal or hang out. Hospitality is rhythm of getting to know folks so you can conversations rooted in trust.

The rhythm of discipleship is a communal effort to grow in our identity as children of God (Jn 1:12). This is why we gather together at our home on Mondays and for the Friday “Man Lunch”; both groups focus on learning about Christ by reading through the Word. This is why I mentor some guys at “The Fort” (a house of WWU men, committed to becoming men after God’s heart). This is why we are gathering folks around us (especially from the Mosaic) to journey with us, as we move toward our own worship time. Discipleship is a central rhythm for a community to grow together and in Christ.

Blessing others is an important rhythm in physically living out our collective faith. This is why we participate in Mosaic’s “Beautify” Sundays, where we as a church community focus on tangibly serving our neighbors in need. This is why I volunteer with the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association and at Happy Valley Elementary School, and why Kate and I volunteer at with the CHORE program (through the Whatcom Volunteer Center), only asking “How can we help?” God uses the rhythm of blessing to shalom to His people, and again builds a foundation of trust when putting in a good word for Jesus.

please pray with us for…
-God would be glorified in Bellingham
-God would gather His launch team for His new church
-God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans, as well a few families who would commit, for a season, to be a part of our launch team
-God to open doors for us to put in a good word for Jesus, in the relationships and activities we find ourselves in