Wednesday, December 2, 2009

dec. prayer letter

The Reason for the Season:
As Christmas fast approaches, I am reminded of the incarnation of Christ, how He came to us, to bless us. Now He sends all of us out to bless others with His good news. My prayer for you is that He would grant you a gracious heart this season, to bless those around you with the gift of encouragement. We are doing our best to do just that as we continue to live out our three rhythms.

Intentionally Social:
This fall as I’ve been trying get to know more folks in town, I've begun regularly gathering with different guys at a local pub. Through this regular time together significant relationships are being formed. In the same manner, social times at cohousing (where we live) have spurred on great friendships and many probing spiritual conversations. My prayer is that during this festive season, God will open relational doors and conversations that point to Him and His advent.
Spiritual Focus:
In our Monday night Bible, we continue to grow numerically, and in our connection with one another. The group grows bigger while getting relationally tighter. The Friday men's lunch is now studying its second Biblical book. My hope is that this group will continue to be a place of encouragement and comradery. Our partnership with Mosaic church is taking a new step, as they launch their 2nd gathering in January. This will help them alleviate their space issues and provide a "greenhouse" for the church plant's leadership. In all these things we are praying for God’s kingdom to come a fresh in Happy Valley and Bellingham.

Blessing the Hood:
One of the pillars of Happy Valley is the elementary school. I've begun volunteering in their resource room. My hope is that I can bless them, and that God will open new doors for future service. We continue to help serve a young woman in the hood with Cancer. Her condition is not getting better; please pray for her. In the New Year I am hoping to gather neighbors to conduct a survey to determine the assets/gifts possessed by folks in the neighborhood. This will allow us all to help serve the community in tangible ways that they will also take ownership of.
please pray with us for…

• God would be glorified in Bellingham
• God would call folks to join us in simply participating
in the different groups we have started & hope to start
• God to raise up a strong ministry partner (“person of peace” Lk 10:1-7) to help us w/ weekly plans, as well a few families who would commit, for a season, to be a part of our launch team
• God to open doors, relationally, as we involve ourselves in activities in the neighborhood, allowing our lives to overlap w/ others